Welcome to the MUSC Identity Management System!
IMPORTANT: This agreement applies to all individuals who receive access to any of MUSC's
computing, electronic, network or print resources regardless of your affiliation with MUSC (employee,
faculty, student, contractor, vendor, etc.).
A. Standards:
This policy applies to all members using MUSC computing, telecommunications and
wireless resources, including but not limited to computers, computer systems and
networks, medical devices, smart phones, portable digital assistants (PDA's),
telephones, pagers, cellular phones and two-way radios, whether property of MUSC
or not, and to all uses of those resources, whether on campus or from remote
These resources are hereinafter referred to as "computing and telecommunications
Additional guidelines may be established by MUSC to apply to specific computers,
computer systems, networks or applications.
An individual using MUSC computing and telecommunications resources shall comply with all federal, South Carolina, and other applicable laws; all generally applicable MUSC rules and policies; and all applicable contracts and licenses. Examples of such laws, rules, policies, contracts, and licenses include, but are not limited to, the laws of libel, privacy, copyright, trademark, and child pornography; the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which prohibit "hacking", "cracking", and similar activities; Federal Communication Commission regulations; the MUSC Code of Conduct; the MUSC Anti-Harassment policy; and all applicable software licenses. Users who engage in communications with persons in other states or countries or on other systems or networks should be aware that they may also be subject to the laws of those other states and countries and the rules and policies of those other systems and networks. Users are
responsible for ascertaining, understanding, and complying with the laws, rules, policies, contracts, and licenses applicable to their particular uses.
A member using MUSC computing and telecommunications resources shall use only
those resources that they are authorized to use and use them only in the manner and
to the extent authorized. Ability to access computing resources does not, by itself,
imply authorization to do so.
Users are responsible for ascertaining what authorizations are necessary and for
obtaining them before accessing any computing resources. Accounts and passwords
may not, under any circumstances, be shared with, or used by, persons other than
those to whom they have been assigned by MUSC.
A user of computing and telecommunications resources shall respect the privacy of
other users and their accounts, regardless of whether those accounts are securely
protected. The ability to access other persons' accounts does not, by itself, imply
authorization to do so.
A user of MUSC computing and telecommunications resources shall respect the finite
capacity of those resources (including, for example, bandwidth, disk space and CPU
time) and limit use so as not to consume an unreasonable amount of those resources
or to interfere unreasonably with the activity of other users.
Email Communications:
Each member is provided with a MUSC email address. This address is considered
their official MUSC email account and all MUSC business conducted via email must
use the MUSC email account and email system.
Confidential or sensitive information should not be sent through e-mail or exposed
to public networks such as the Internet unless adequately secured against
unauthorized access and encrypted in transit. Email sent from one musc.edu email
address to another musc.edu email address using the MUSC email system is
considered secure and no additional steps are needed to encrypt the message.
Personal Use:
Personal use of MUSC computing and network resources is restricted by State law.
Section 8-13-700(A) of the South Carolina Ethics Code reads as follows:
“No public official, public member, or public employee may knowingly use his official
office, membership or employment to obtain an economic interest for himself, a
member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a
business with which he is associated. This prohibition does not extend to the
incidental use of public materials, personnel, or equipment, subject to or available for
a public official's, public member's, or public employee's use which does not result in
additional public expense.”
Examples of inappropriate personal use include, but are not limited to:
(1) Interferes with the performance of the user’s job or other MUSC
(2) Accessing pornographic web sites;
(3) Unreasonably consumes MUSC resources; or
(4) Is out of compliance with other MUSC policies.
Additional restrictions on personal use may be imposed in accordance with normal
management or departmental responsibilities.
Representing MUSC:
Internal: Misrepresenting or willfully concealing your identity at any point on the
MUSC network is prohibited.
External: A user of computing and telecommunications resources shall not state or
imply that they speak on behalf of MUSC or use MUSC trademarks and logos without
authorization to do so. Affiliation with MUSC does not, by itself, imply authorization
to speak on behalf of MUSC.
Academic Freedom:
Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom.
The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions not
only in the classroom, but on the campus as a whole. The responsibility to secure and
to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all
members of the academic community -- faculty, staff, and students. System and
network administrators are expected to respect the University's academic freedom
All MUSC members share in the responsibility for protecting MUSC's information
systems against threats to availability, integrity and confidentiality. The owners,
administrators, and users of all MUSC systems are required to understand and meet
their assigned security responsibilities, as defined in this policy, and all other
applicable MUSC policies.
All members should be familiar with MUSC information security practices, safeguard
their system credentials, employ the appropriate physical safeguards to protect
information assets, and protect the confidentiality of electronic protected health
B. Expectation of Privacy
MUSC computing and telecommunications resources are not private.
For example, communications made by means of these resources are subject to South
Carolina Public Records Law to the same extent as they would be if made on paper. The
normal operation and maintenance of MUSC’s computing and telecommunications resources
require the backup and caching of data and communications, the logging of activity, the
monitoring of general usage patterns, and other such activities that are necessary for the
rendition of service.
a. Reason to Access Activity
MUSC may access or monitor the activity and accounts of individual users of MUSC
computing resources, including individual log in sessions and communications,
without notice, when:
(1) It reasonably appears necessary to do so to protect the integrity,
confidentiality, availability, or functioning of MUSC generally or computing
and telecommunications resources in particular, or to protect MUSC from
(2) There is reasonable cause to believe that the user has violated, or is
violating, MUSC policy;
(3) An account appears to be engaged in unusual or unusually excessive
activity, as indicated by the monitoring of general activity and usage patterns;
(4) The user has voluntarily made them accessible to the public, as by posting
to Usenet or a web page;
(5) It is necessary for MUSC work and business-related reasons (e.g. a person
is on vacation or sick leave and access to some files is needed to further
institution business); or
(6) It is otherwise required by law.
b. Monitoring as a Job Service Requirement
MUSC may also authorize access and monitoring of an employee's or agent's actual
communications over its computing and telecommunications resources where
customer service is a primary responsibility of an employee's job duties. Such
monitoring must be authorized by Human Resources and employees in positions
subject to monitoring shall be notified of such activity.
c. Access monitoring oversight
Any access or individual monitoring, specified in B(a)(5) or for any other reason not
listed in B(a) or B(b)., must be authorized in advance by three of the following
individuals: Human Resources Director or designee, Legal Counsel, Chief Information
Officer, and Chief Information Security Officer, or a majority thereof. The head of the
unit which employs the individual will be notified of such access when appropriate.
MUSC, at its discretion but subject to any applicable laws, may disclose the results of
any access or monitoring, including the contents and records of individual
communications, to MUSC personnel or law enforcement agencies and may use
those results in appropriate MUSC disciplinary proceedings and/or legal proceedings.
C. Enforcement
Violations of the MUSC Acceptable Use of Computing and Telecommunications Resources
Policy by faculty, students, and staff are treated as violations of applicable MUSC policies
Violations of public law which involve MUSC computer and communication systems may be
subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
MUSC faculty, students, or staff who knowingly violate copyright and/or license terms (for
example, by making or using an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted or licensed software
product) may be personally liable for their actions.